Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Heartbreak #3

It's been almost one month since we got the news that our third IVF cycle failed (transfer 11/9/16, beta 11/18/16).  There were few emotions tied to this cycle, but the emotions that were present have pretty much subsided with time.

We lost these two embryos, these two potential precious babies.  We've now lost a total of five embryos.  From day one, we were told that my egg quality is poor.  After three failed cycles, we are now ready to move on.  We have accepted the fact that I will never have another biological child.  However, I do feel happy that I won't have to put my body through the trauma of IVF stimulation and egg retrieval again.

Although we are ready to move on, we still aren't ready to give up.  We've decided to seek a third opinion at a third clinic.  We started at Rocky Mountain Fertility Center (RMFC), then transferred to the world renowned Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine (CCRM), and now we are giving Conceptions a shot. We have a consult scheduled on January 5th.  We don't expect to hear that they can do great things and get us pregnant with my eggs.  But we do hope to find that our new doctor will be supportive of our decision to move forward with donor eggs and test for immunologic disorders.  Donor eggs were recommended after our first failed cycle at RMFC, but weren't recommended at CCRM when we got a second opinion.  While we were initially happy that CCRM was confident that we could use my eggs, I'm now rather angry that we wasted so much time and money.

So, our next steps are to go to the consult at Conceptions on January 5th and to search for an egg donor.  In the meantime, I'm enjoying chocolate, gluten, soy, high-histamine foods, and wine :)