Friday, March 6, 2015

So much to do

The amount of work that goes into this IVF process is overwhelming at times.  We received an email from our nurse with all of the final steps that we will take over the next month, which will hopefully lead to a healthy pregnancy.

There are several protocols for IVF, depending on why a couple is unable to get pregnant.  We are struggling with fertility because of my endometriosis.  We've learned that our IVF protocol is "growth hormone with Estrace priming."  So, what does that all entail?  Right now, I take DHEA one time a day, Ubiquinol three times a day, and Estrace two times a day.  And let's not forget the prenatal vitamin.  On March 16th I will add Provera to that list, one time a day.  And then, on March 28th, I will start the injections--SIX of them daily, to be exact.  Andrew will be in charge of administering these injections, since I am too much of a wimp to do it myself.  Hopefully he won't get too much pleasure from stabbing me with a needle six times a day for two weeks.  But, before we get to that step, we have to go through the process of mail ordering the injections from an approved fertility pharmacy, and we have to learn how to perform the injections (watch several videos and attend a class).

The hope is that all of this therapy will increase my egg production as well as the quality of those eggs.  This will be monitored by continuous ultrasound and blood work starting on March 26th (just about every other day for 1-2 weeks).  

As of right now, we are hoping that the egg retrieval will take place sometime during the week of April 6th.  Of course, this will all depend on when my eggs are ready.  If they are not ready on April 6th, I will continue with the therapy, and will have ultrasounds every day until it's time for retrieval.

In the meantime, I am continuing with the Fertility Diet and acupuncture.  This is all moving very quickly, much faster than we ever anticipated.  Of course, since starting this process, we've been hoping that we just might get pregnant on our own, but it's just not happening.  On March 18th, we will be signing over a large amount of money for this entire journey.  It's frightening, but also exciting to think about what a successful outcome may be.

written on 3/6/15

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