Saturday, October 3, 2015

Fertilization report

Months of preparation and we were finally ready for egg retrieval yesterday.  Going into the retrieval, we knew that I had 11 follicles, but the number of eggs within those follicles could not be predetermined.  So, I went in with my new pink socks (a thing among CCRM patients), ready for whatever was to happen.

  When I woke up from the procedure, Andrew was there with a smile on his face.  He already knew how many eggs were retrieved--10!  That's a good number for me.  Embryology came in to speak with us and confirmed that 10 eggs were retrieved, and that they would attempt to fertilize those eggs within a few hours.

This morning I received a call from the embryology team with the fertilization report.  Of the 10 eggs retrieved, 6 were mature, and 5 of those mature eggs fertilized.  Again, this is a good number for me (considering that in our first round of IVF we had 9 eggs retrieved, with 7 of those eggs mature, and only 3 eggs fertilized).   So, it was good to hear that we have 5 embryos to work with.  But, it was also good to hear that they were trying to grow the other 4 immature eggs out to maturity in the lab and would try to fertilize them today.  We will get another call tomorrow with that fertilization report.  That will be last call we get until next Thursday, which is when the embryos will hopefully reach blastocyst, and then all embryos will be genetically tested and frozen until my body is ready for the transfer.

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