Saturday, May 2, 2015

Our final post

Earlier this week, on Monday, we learned that my HCG level was very low, at 6.  This meant that an embryo did implant, but the HCG level was not indicating a viable pregnancy.  On Wednesday, my HCG level was still at 6.  We were told that this is very unusual.  After two days, the level should have changed, either increased or decreased.  So, we continued with the progesterone injections and estrogen patches, hoping again for a miracle.  Our fingers were crossed...maybe it would increase!  But, on Friday, I had my third blood pregnancy test.  At 5pm we learned that my HCG level dropped to 3.  This means that the implanted embryo stopping growing, and this confirmed that the pregnancy is not viable.  We officially failed at IVF.  Needless to say, this post is written with a heavy heart.

It is believed that this fail is due to my egg quality.  The embryos that were transferred were likely chromosomally abnormal (due to the poor egg quality) and failed to further develop.  We would probably be more successful if we used high quality eggs from a donor.  Maybe one day we will explore that option...

If you are reading this blog because you are a caring friend or family member, thank you.  Your positive thoughts, prayers, and words of encouragement made it easier to move forward with every step in this journey.

If you are reading this blog because you are thinking about going through IVF, don't let our story scare you away.  There are so many success stories out there, and those success stories kept me motivated along the way.  There is this whole community out there filled with people just like us.  I never knew that until we became public with our fertility struggles.  Know that you are never alone, and there will always be someone somewhere that is willing to listen to your story and share theirs as well.

For now, our journey has come to an end.  Maybe someday we will explore the option of using donor eggs.  Maybe we will look into adoption.  Who knows...  But, for now, we are taking a break and getting back to normal life.  We will decide when the time is right again to start a new journey in trying to conceive.  Until then, this chapter is closed.

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