Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Transfer Day 12/7/15

Monday, December 7th was the Transfer Day for our one surviving embryo--day 6, grade 5BB.  We were excited for this day, but we are both still nervous for the outcome.

Before heading up to the OR, we met with our nurse, who has been with us the entire journey at CCRM.  Since day one she has calmed us with her humor.  It continued as she told us "go get knocked up, you guys" before sending us up the elevator.

After blood work and my first round of acupuncture, the embryologist came to speak with us about our embryo.  We knew that there was a less than 5% chance that the embryo would not survive the thawing process.  But, the embryologist assured us that the embryo thawed nicely and was looking beautiful as it was starting to expand.  In the picture above you can see that it was already hatching, ready for implantation.

Here, I had just finished my first round of acupuncture (and a Valium!), and I was feeling ultra relaxed.

As I was being prepped by my doctor for the transfer, the embryologist was loading our embryo into a catheter.

The transfer itself was rather quick, but Andrew was able to video it on the monitor.  If you zoom in, you can actually see the embryo placed in my uterus.  Click here if you would like to view it.

I couldn't help but smile afterwards :)
It was simply amazing to watch the little ray of light enter me. 

It's crazy to think that we could already know the gender of our embryo.  It was determined during the chromosomal testing.  However, we have opted to wait until the first ultrasound to find out.  Chase, our 2-year-old, has requested a sister for months now.  He has even asked for two sisters, LOL!   What's amusing is that he said he wants to name his baby sister Frosty.  He has no idea that our little embaby WAS frosty (frozen) for two months. 

We now have the long 9 day wait until our blood pregnancy test.  It is currently scheduled for December 16th.  We will hopefully receive same day results.  We are nervous, but we hope to have exciting news to share with our loved ones.

1 comment:

  1. Exciting! My fingers and toes are crossed for you guys!!!
