Monday, April 13, 2015

Egg Retrieval

Today was the first of three major days in this process--the egg retrieval.  This is the day we have been prepping for since January.  The other two days that we are eagerly awaiting are the embryo transfer and the blood pregnancy test.

Our most recent ultrasound, on Saturday 4/11, showed 12 follicles.  At that time, my Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE) predicted that she would retrieve approximately nine eggs from those follicles because some of the smaller follicles would most likely not have a mature egg.

I was both excited and nervous going in to the egg retrieval today.  The number of eggs retrieved directly impacts the number of embryos we hope to have.  As I slowly awakened from anesthesia, I remember the first question I asked..."how many eggs did you retrieve?"  I remember the response..."the eggs are still being counted, but at least five."  I remember feeling happy and disappointed at the same time.  Happy because five eggs is better than zero eggs.  Disappointed because we hoped for so many more.

As I was transferred to the recovery room, Andrew was finally able to be by my side.  The embryologist came in to talk to us and gave us the good news--they retrieved NINE eggs!  The final count was complete.  My RE's prediction was spot on.  Nine!

The embryologist will now attempt to fertilize all of my eggs with Andrew's sperm.  Once the eggs are fertilized, the embryologist will monitor them and give us an update every day until it is time for the embryo transfer.  She will call me tomorrow with the initial fertilization results.  It's so crazy to think that we might have a baby (or babies) starting to develop right now!

Now that the retrieval is over, we will update the IVF calendar again with all of the new medications I will be taking, including another injection and patches.  The new injection I will be taking is progesterone oil.  It is needed to support the lining of the uterus and maintain early pregnancy.   I get to take this bad boy every day for the next 10 weeks.

We will continue to update our family and friends as we move to embryo transfer.

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